Thinking of installing a heat pump in Wisconsin?
Expert installation. Flexible payment options.
See if you qualifyDo heat pumps work well in Wisconsin? You bet. Here's why.
A Wisconsin winter can be—well, to put it nicely—extremely cold. And what about the high humidity of peak summer?
Heat pumps can handle both, all while making your home feel more comfortable and cutting energy waste.
Plus, if your home qualifies, you could get a high-performance heat pump installed at no upfront cost with Sealed. (Qualifying projects get an energy-savings guarantee. We believe in heat pumps that much!) See if you qualify.
Here’s what this guide will cover:
- Wisconsin heat pump rebates, programs, and incentives
- Can a heat pump keep your home warm in a Wisconsin winter?
- Heat Pump Wisconsin FAQ—common questions answered
- How to get a heat pump installed in Wisconsin at no upfront cost
Get a heat pump the Sealed way.
Your house will feel amazing. We’ll handle all the details.
Qualify now- Hassle-free installation
- Flexible payment options
- Eligible rebates included
- Energy-savings guarantee for eligible projects
Wisconsin heat pump rebates and incentives
For Wisconsin residents, there are a few heat pump incentives and programs that you can participate in if eligible:
- Under the Inflation Reduction Act, you could qualify for up to $2000 in tax credits for an eligible heat pump
- Local utility company rebates, like through the Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative program. Check with your local utility to see what Wisconsin energy rebates are available.
- Focus on Energy Wisconsin heating and cooling rebate listings
- If you qualify to work with Sealed, you could get a heat pump installed at $0 upfront with a flexible payment program, eligible rebates included, and an energy-savings guarantee. Tap here to see if your house qualifies.
Plus, you can also get rebates for upgrades that optimize your home for comfort and efficiency—and the lifespan of your heat pump—like insulation and air sealing.
Heat pumps work efficiently in Wisconsin year-round
Cold climate heat pumps have been tested and approved as far north as the Arctic Circle, so they’re ready for a Milwaukee January or a cold winter day along Lake Mendota.
If you love data and research, you’ll love this.
According to an analysis of Wisconsin households, electric heat pump home heating could provide a more cost-effective option for homes that rely on delivered fuels or electric resistance heating—and a more price stable option for those who rely on natural gas home heating (1).
The study that proves reliability of all-season heat pumps in Wisconsin climates
To make sure air-source heat pumps could handle everything a U.S. winter could throw at them, a field test of air-source heat pumps was completed in Minnesota by the Center of Energy and Environment.
The result: Cold climate heat pumps passed the test. In fact, the data showed that Minnesota residents could expect a 39–65% reduction in their energy consumption by switching to heat pumps (2).
In general, most cold climate heat pumps are rated for operation down to about -13 degrees Fahrenheit, with some newer models capable of -22 degrees Fahrenheit. Optimize your heat pump with top-to-bottom weatherization of your home, and you’ll help keep outdoor temps outside and indoor paid-for comfort inside all year-long.
Read more in what temperature a heat pump stops working and why or check out this video for a quick heat pump explainer.
Join the heat pump revolution
Flexible financing. Energy-savings guarantee for qualifying houses.
Qualify now- Powerful heating and cooling
- Expert installation
- Amazing comfort
Wisconsin heat pumps don't just heat your home—they also cool and dehumidify
Modern cold climate heat pumps are built for all-season heating and cooling, and they’re the most efficient way to keep your Wisconsin home comfortable year-round.
Here’s a quick list of heat pump advantages—they really are the total package:
- They run on cleaner energy, which means improved air quality in your home.
- Heat pumps are whisper-quiet—you won’t hear a loud, rumbly kick-on-kick-off sound.
- Mini-split heat pumps provide precise room-by-room temperature control.
- They provide constant fresh air circulation in your home, eliminating that “stuffy” feeling
- Heat pumps require less maintenance and are simple to keep up with.
- They’re experts at dehumidifying, making your home feel fresh while using less energy.
- They’re eligible for federal home energy upgrade rebates and local utility incentives.
For a deeper dive, check out our heat pump vs AC, heat pump vs furnace, heat pump vs boiler, or heat pump vs electric resistance guide for in-depth comparisons to traditional HVAC technology.
Get a heat pump for no upfront cost—and an energy-savings guarantee—if your house qualifies. Tap here to find out.
Heat pumps in Wisconsin FAQ
At what temperature is a heat pump not effective?
Most cold climate heat pumps are rated up to -13 degrees Fahrenheit, although some heat pumps have been developed that can provide uninterrupted heating under -22 degrees Fahrenheit (3).
If you’re really anxious about super frigid temperatures, you may want to install a cold climate heat pump and possibly keep a back up heating system (although most homes don’t need a backup furnace—we can help you know what’s right for you).
Are heat pumps worth it in cold climates?
Yes! Heat pumps are up to 3 times more energy efficient than traditional HVAC systems (4). If you live in a cold climate, you don’t have to miss out on the benefits of a heat pump. Cold climate heat pumps are built to withstand harsh winter temperatures.
Most of the issues with heat pump operation in cold climates are due to improper sizing, poor installation, or a leaky, under-insulated house that’s taking in too much outdoor air.
But good thing you’ve found Sealed: We’re experts at cold climate heat pump installation and optimization, and you can get a whole-home system at $0 upfront cost—eligible rebates included—if your house qualifies.
Will my house be as warm with a heat pump?
Yes! A heat pump will keep your house cozy and comfortable all winter long with freshly circulated warm air—especially when paired with a well-insulated and air sealed house.
Heat pump systems offer a healthier, cleaner, odorless heat since they don’t burn fossil fuels in your home to keep you warm.
What happens to a heat pump when power goes out?
The same thing that happens to your natural gas furnace, AC, or boiler when the power goes out also happens to your electric heat pump: They turn off.
However, if you’re concerned about winter power outages, you can get a home battery for energy storage to keep your heat running when the power goes out.
Do you need backup heat with a heat pump?
Most homeowners in the U.S. do not need backup heat for a cold climate heat pump.
If you’re wondering if you need a dual-heating system in your local climate, talk to one of the experts at Sealed.
Our experts can help you figure out the right heating and cooling mix for your home.
What’s the most expensive way to heat a home in Wisconsin?
The most expensive ways to heat an average home in Wisconsin are using heating oil or propane (5). Natural gas heating can be less expensive in some areas, but it’s not the most energy-efficient heating option.
To learn more, check out our converting from oil to electric heat or switching from natural gas to an electric heat pump guides.
Should you go with a geothermal heat pump or an air source heat pump in Wisconsin?
For most homeowners in Wisconsin, a cold-climate air source heat pump is an excellent, reliable option (and it’s more cost-effective too).
Geothermal heat pumps are a pretty neat heat pump HVAC technology, but geothermal systems are also really expensive and invasive to install. To get a better understanding of the pros and cons, read our guide to air source vs. geothermal heat pumps.
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